
saint Church Melbourne



For direct deposit giving please transfer to the following account:

Account Name

Saints Church Melbourne Ltd


Commonwealth Bank


063 254

Account Number

1101 6571


For online giving please use the button below.


We believe in the biblical principal of tithing. Tithing is fundamentally about stewardship and a heart expression of ownership.

We see the finances and resources that we own and accumulate as being given to us by God to steward [Deuteronomy 8:18].

We believe that when we bring our tithe back to God that it is an expression of our heart towards Him [Luke 12:34].

Tithing inoculates our heart towards the deception of greed, the love of money and the illusion that we are self-made.

We believe the tithe is putting God first in our finances and through faithful giving, we witness lives transformed, the community impacted and the mission of Jesus outworked in Melbourne.

Join with us today as we partner with Jesus to make a difference in the world around us.

Kingdom Land

An invitation to reclaim & revive this building as a place of worship for the generations to come.